I am always saddened when people consider a divorce a failure or speak with great emphasis of a failed marriage. We spend our whole life in relationship- from light to very intimate. We learn in every type of close relationship-friendships, parenting, work/peer, and most certainly form those we choose to love, live with and or marry!

The purpose of relationship is to grow, learn and expand who we are. It is to learn more about how to love, how to be open and how to support another human in their journey. In life we learn form positive , challenging and even negative experiences. The value of any close relationship you are in is to learn more about you, develop your strengths, diminish your liabilities and above all love yourself and another to the best of your ability.

The most useful way to view a marriage or long-term relationship that has ended is through the lens of what you learned. As long as you learned allot you had a successful relationship. Through the coaching relationship we will find all the pearls of that connection in which you spent 5 years or 16 years--the more years, the more pearls! You will get to be very honest about the patterns you co-created, taking full responsibility for the ones you wish to carry forward into the next union and those you want to leave far behind. All of our intimate connections mirror a part of us--we will find the lessons in the past relationships which at times are as simple as this; you choose a partner who did not meet your needs as you did not know or value who you were.

Upon discovering why you were there and finding the pearls you can release the residual pain, be realistic about gains and losses, clean up your own limiting attitudes, beliefs or behavior, forgive yourself and others, and come to a place of total nuetrality and peace. From this place of peace you can create a brand new upgraded blueprint for future partnerships and leave the coaching relationship feeling really good about you!

For further information and appointments, contact Jenny at (650) 595-3343 or email her at jennyengland77@gmail.com.

Psychotherapy or Coaching?

Jenny's Training

Psychotherapy Services-Couples Therapy | Life Cycle Transitions | Adults Abused or Neglected as Children | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder | Spiritual Emergency | Addicitive Process Transformed

Coaching Services-Magnetizing a Life Partner | From Burnout to Balance | Post Divorce Revisioning | Career Shift and Life Purpose | Passionate Living |Body Intelligence

Groups, Classes and Seminars-Breathwork | Artist's Way Groups | Women in Transition Groups | Goddess/Sensuality Seminar | Men, Women, Heart, Spirit and Sexuality Workshop | Retreats