For an explanation of the differences between Coaching and Psychotherapy, please visit the Psychotherapy page.

Passion is

  • Flow - an abundant, uninhibited flow of spiritual, mental, emotional, sensual and physical energy.
  • Creative - spontaneous,imaginative, joyful, "out of the box" thinking and experimental play.
  • Being vs doing - being fully present, in this moment with yourself, others and the universe.
  • Fire - an organic drive emerging from deep inside igniting you to action.
  • Love - feeling all of your feelings while attaching to none, choosing love over fear in each interaction of your day.

Passion coaching is for people who wish to live enthusiastic, growth-oriented, love-filled, present-centered, spiritually soaring lives!

As your Passion Coach I will help you evaluate and assess each dimension of your life-physical, emotional, mental, sensual, creative, spiritual and relational and co-create ways to enhance passion where it is absent, blocked or misdirected.

Passion Coaching is as much about learning to be as learning how to effectively do what one needs to do to get out of their own way. In our culture we do not value being nearly as much as doing. it is therefore usually necessary to teach and connect you to venues that assist you in having more flow, creativity, fire and love in your life. Examples include but are not limited to: yoga, meditation, journaling, prayer, emotional release work, breathwork, vision quests and hiking/walking in nature.

Passion Coaching requires you to be very active in identifying and defining your purpose and passions and making daily choices to support both. Lior Jacobs , President of Passion University, states "the quality of your life is determined by the sum total of all the decisions you make".

For further information and appointments, contact Jenny at (650) 595-3343 or email her at

Psychotherapy or Coaching?

Jenny's Training

Psychotherapy Services-Couples Therapy | Life Cycle Transitions | Adults Abused or Neglected as Children | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder | Spiritual Emergency | Addicitive Process Transformed

Coaching Services-Magnetizing a Life Partner | From Burnout to Balance | Post Divorce Revisioning | Career Shift and Life Purpose | Passionate Living |Body Intelligence

Groups, Classes and Seminars-Breathwork | Artist's Way Groups | Women in Transition Groups | Goddess/Sensuality Seminar | Men, Women, Heart, Spirit and Sexuality Workshop | Retreats